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Independent Real News Reports, Analysis, and Editorial Opinion Commentaries on USA and World News Stories. 

Website is periodically updated on religious, social, science, and political news stories

Journalists must be cautious

Guest Editorial Opinion Commentary 

All news journalists around the world share a common sense of purpose of informing the public at large via electronic and physical mediums: 

Journalism has gradually evolved into almost instantaneous news reporting. 

We as journalists must be highly cautious to endeavor to confirm and verify our facts via multiple reliable sources before we go to print and publish our news stories. 

Every time we publish our news stories our journalistic reputations are constantly on the line and we cannot easily retract inaccurate data and information within our news stories. 

Same thing goes for the substitution of news editorial opinion commentaries. 


Michael Dennis Murphy, 

Free Press Without Borders. 


Let's Not Just Focus On Ultra Radical Right Wing Extremists

Fascism and Communism are a live and well around The World: USA Right Now has equivalent of Nazi vs Communist fight that took place circa 1930's in Germany, majority of USA Citizens are good people who find themselves powerless against these evil forces! 

Unfortunately Democrat Party has many Communist Members. 

Democrat Party has been infiltrated by Ultra Radical Left Wing Extremists that is on par with the Republican Party that has been infiltrated by the Ultra Radical Right Wing Extremists. 

Yes Republican Party has been infiltrated by the Fascists and the Democrat Party has been infiltrated by the Communists. 

United States of America's Political Climate is one of extreme Political Polarization. 

There is in existence a direct parallel between circa 1930's Hitler's Germany and The USA's current political climate of extreme Political Polarization. 


Independent Real News Reports, Analysis, and Editorial Opinion Commentaries on USA and World News Stories.

Website is periodically updated on religious, social, science, and political news stories
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